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  • #4651
    Expert Nurse
    Avatar photoVirginia Seery

      Hi everyone,
      There has been a lot of consternation at our institution about the infection control precautions for TVEC. We currently do the injection in a private treatment room with the door closed. After the patient leaves, the room is “terminally cleaned” including changing the curtains, etc. This obviously takes time and the room is not available for some time after.

      Some patients receive TVEC as well as other therapy. In that case, they cannot be in the general treatment area (to receive the other therapy) once the TVEC has been administered. What are the infection control practices at your institutions?

      Expert Nurse
      Avatar photoKathleen Madden

        November we had 2 new patients revieving TVEC, we had our TVEC reps come in and inservice our housekeeping team as the handling guidelines were updated to reflect a less toxic, less expensive alcohol based cleaner for pharmacy prep & administration room cleaning.
        We do still isolate a room and close it until it is cleaned & we do have disposable curtains in that room to stream line the process- we keep one room on our exam room floor prepared with the disposable curtain for any infectiuos issues or for these treatment patients.
        PPE: we still gown, glove and wear mask with protective eye shield. All potentially soiled materials are disposed of in red bag waste.
        The visit & education session was very helpful from our local rep.

        Expert Nurse
        Avatar photoVirginia Seery

          Thanks Kathy. We have not had the rep back in since it was first FDA approved so that is a great idea. I will also look into the disposable curtains – I appreciate the feedback!!

          Expert Nurse
          Avatar photoKrista Rubin

            That is a great idea Kathy, to have the rep provide an in-service to the housekeeping team. They too are teammembers and providing dedicated education for them as well is a wonderful teambuilding approach. Thanks for that info!

            Expert Nurse
            Avatar photoKrista Rubin

              Virginia and group-

              Would love your thoughts. We had a patient s/p TVEC injection whom required admission about 5 days post injection for an unrelated issue. Assuming the injection site remains covered with an occlusive dressing, would that patient need to be on contact precautions while in house? Or are standard precautions enough?

              Thank you!

              Expert Nurse
              Avatar photoVirginia Seery

                I think standard precautions are enough unless there is drainage from the injection site or lesion.

                Expert Nurse
                Avatar photoKrista Rubin


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