Regional Content Customized for the United Kingdom (UK)

This section contains resources customized for the UK healthcare professional.

Optimising Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the series of videos below, Emmanouil Nikolousis, FRCP, FRCPath, PhD, MBA, Consultant Haematologist at University Hospitals Birmingham, shares perspectives and tips for optimising care during these challenging times.

Optimising Telemedicine

Use of Extended Dosing Intervals for Immunotherapy

Changes in Infusion Practices

Minimising the Impact on Clinical Trials

Care Step Pathways

This section provides stand-alone Care Step Pathways (CSPs) that have been customized for the UK audience. We wish to thank Emmanouil Nikolousis, FRCP, FRCPath, PhD, MBA, Consultant Haematologist at University Hospitals Birmingham, for thoughtful review of these materials.

List of CSPs

For Immunotherapy (Checkpoint Inhibitors):

For Intralesional Therapy:
Talimogene laherparepvec; T-VEC

Patient Resources

Action Plans

This section contains the customizable action plans for patients with different tumor types that have been customized for the UK audience. We wish to thank Kris Griffin, patient advocate, for his helpful review of these materials.

Talimogene laherparepvec; T-VEC





Decision-Support Tool for Stage III Melanoma

Newly customized for the UK audience, this pamphlet is a document to provide/discuss with patients that helps guide their decision making regarding next steps for Stage III melanoma. Reviewed by the Gillian Nuttall of Melanoma UK.